Girl in a jacket

Thursday 17 March 2016

Interview with Melanie Marquis: What real witches do on Halloween

Interview with Melanie Marquis:  What real witches do on Halloween

There are countless free witchcraft spells out there and the are only two that can be used for attracting money and love. The key when working with free witchcraft spells just isn't in the steps or words or perhaps the stuff used. The key when using free witchcraft spells may be the energy that you put out in the universe. This has been, and try to may be the biggest main factor. You must always check to deliver the best vibration out to the universe. If your energy is dead, do i think the your spell, it doesn't matter what you utilize or what number of steps you adopt.

So, what type of tools can you find in a witch's cabinet?  The list can get pretty long, but there are four main tools corresponding with the four elements.  Starting with earth, there is a pentacle, a round disc, painted or engraved with an upright, five-pointed star.  Traditionally the disc was made of wood, copper, or stone.  It is usually used as being a center piece for the altar.  Today, it is more established to determine jewelry while using pentacle design that witches adorn.

By linking our spell work with the symbolism of your storm, we can easily achieve faster, better results.  Keep in your mind that storms taking action immediately, their winds move items (leaves, rubbish bin lids, etc.) in a jiffy, and their rains can wash out even toughest mess.  Their clouds provide cover from your sun, hiding the torrential rains below, as well as their lightning may bring a jolt to your goal.  Link the storm's natural abilities as to the you would like to achieve.

To represent fire, witches use the athame, or maybe more popularly known as the sword or dagger.  The athame isn't sharp or useful for cutting anything in the material world.  It is often a ceremonial knife used for conjuring circles and cutting doors in the ethereal realm.  Traditionally, the handle from the athame is black.  The knife used by cutting herbs and carving candles could be the boline and contains a white handle.

As a test, just to find out if voodoo works, my colleague and I contacted 3 online voodoo practitioners who also tell you he is psychic to see what outcomes we might be able to gain. I will not mention the names with the other two so-called psychics/voodoo workers, since they know who they are and anyone who has any wise practice will run after they provide you with among their "free readings" anyway. My colleague, who just left her boyfriend of a few years, decided she would function as the one to call. So we picked the 3 online psychic voodooist and she or he began her calls.